Mir Jabal received his BFA (Painting) from the University of Baluchistan and his MFA from the National College of Arts, Lahore. He currently teaches at the Institute of Art and Design, University of Baluchistan.
Mir Jabal writes of Lives Wasted Away for KB17: “I have been working on paintings based on the theme of our reductive materialist conception of organic life. Exhilarated despair, loss of selfness, moral masochism, sickness and disease are what I find to be its starkest and most relevant expressions. Visually, via the organic texture comprising dots, I have tried to create the microscopic feeling of the cellular structures of biology and human evolution. I have attempted to give expression to the reality of the human condition in its Darwinian, evolutionary sense. To say that our hopes and desires, our loves and hates are nothing other than the activity of flesh and bone, guided by the unhurried dictates of nature puts the individual in a very disturbing situation. The soul, mind and self become merely functions of the body, and nothing else remains; where mystery is to be had, there is mechanism. Indeed, I want to reflect in my paintings human nature in its truthful scientific and biological manifestation. My symbolism is an allusion to the innumerable aspects of our corporeal selves that guide our base nature.”
Lives Wasted Away, 2017.
Oil on canvas
152 x 95 cm.
Courtesy the artist